Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Olympic-sized break

Haven't been writing too much fact, haven't been breathing or eating or working much lately. This is because the Olympics are on....I've Tivo'd more of it than I can possibly ever watch and am spending every waking moment that I can get watching it.

The whole Phelps saga was just amazing....he's an incredible athlete and seems like a down-to-earth nice guy on top of it. And anyone who is so dedicated to anything like he is, is someone to admire in my book. I actually remember when Mark Spitz won the 7 golds and loved that too, but it was the first Olympics I watched, so I didn't truly appreciate what he accomplished until years later. I didn't expect to see it repeated in my lifetime by anyone, much less a local boy and American. And he has years of swimming left.

Usually I love gymnastics and although I enjoyed it, I've skipped a lot of it this year because I have so much other stuff taped. I prefer the non-primetime stuff because it's not so heavily geared towards only the sports that Americans do well in and also not so heavily prejudiced for Americans. I mean, listening to commentary on primetime, you'd think every American is heavily favored in their sport and any loss is a major upset and surprise. That's just stupid.

I've loved watching Ping Pong, regular volleyball, women's basketball and soccer, badminton, the women's marathon, the cycling time-trials and other events, rowing of various kinds, even air rifle. Dressage did bore the bejeezes out of me but I tried to watch it I've watched a bit of Greco-roman wrestling and am looking forward to a lot more freestyle this week...always been into wrestling for many reasons. I'm even taping the synchronized swimming and rhythmic gymnastics and looking forward to it.

I LOVE the Olympics....just wish I had some friends who enjoyed it like I do. I'm lucky to find any other gay men who even realize they are ON these two weeks. George isn't even into it this year...he's pretended to be in the past, but I can tell he's completely bored right now...poor dear.

Michael Phelps inspired me Olympics I'm going to break his record and win 9 gold medals in one Olympics....but I'm going to do it in 9 different sports: Swimming the 400IM, Basketball, Ping Pong, Men's gymnastics all-around, triathlon, 100-yard dash, Pentathlon, Beach Volleyball, and 86Kg women's weightlifting. I'd better get cracking.....

1 comment:

Chad Koratich, Nation's Capital said...

You are my hero! I will come to London to watch only you. However, if Phelpsy is planning on another Olympics, you may have a little competition. Oh wait, you will be in the medley, so he'd be your teammate. I'll just do locker room interviews. ;-)